BUT we are having Harvest Scarecrow Event in Church Yard.
Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October. 10:30am - 4:30pm.
Can you make a scarecrow based on the theme harvest to go up in the Church yard on Friday 2nd October.
It can be an individual or family entry, group organisation such as WI, Bowls, Rainbow, Playgroup, School, Parish Hall, Church or any other.
We will have a guess the name of the scarecrow quiz, so think of a quirky name and a clue.
Entry form attached or collect from the shop. Please contact Janet Read on 52481 for more information.
There will also be a online raffle:
The raffle will be drawn at 4pm at the Harvest Scarecrow Event which is taking place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October.
They are £2.50 each and all proceeds will go to our Local Church.
There are some super prizes to be won.....
⭐️ £50 Voucher from the Derby Arms
⭐️ A Painting from Bob On Paintings
⭐️ A Hamper from the Village shop donated by Katie Welch
⭐️ A Load of Logs from Adam Kirk
⭐️ Two halves of Salt March Lamb donated by the Wilkinson family
⭐️ A Garden voucher from Abi and Tom’s
⭐️Plus more prizes
To secure your Emojis please drop your money off in an envelope with your name wrote on and post it in the black post box on the building at the end of Birks Farm drive.
Thank you for your support and Good luck 🍀

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