We would like to explore people’s memories of all the aspects of our village: the Church; the school; farming; the shops from the past; the Girls Friendly Society; any war memories; the sports from the past; the WI; Dean Barwick Trust; Brownies; Hunting; the story of our Community Shop; the Derby Arms; the Parish Hall; the Constance Cottage Surgery, etc.
We can easily make a simple audio recording of these stories and conversations and then make them available on our website and perhaps have some made into a CD for sale. You may already be aware of this new initiative and perhaps by now have been approached. Please do let us know if you have a story to tell. We will be aiming to begin recording these conversations this autumn. This project is being initiated by St. Paul’s Church as part of our Heritage Lottery Fund bid for vital funds for the restoration of our lovely church. We are really looking forward to listening to all your memories and recording them for posterity. Please speak to any of the following: Rev. Michael Woodcock, Anne Walshaw, Jean Mallinson, Sarah Bradley, Karen Barden, Kath Wilkinson.